It is clear that today’s customer wants to experience a brand. They are tired of being sold to; they want to buy from brands that have a positive experience. A brand experience spans many touch points with a customer and each one needs to be right to give the experience. It ranges from the purchasing process to the after sales.
Many eCommerce websites recognize this and pay attention to the onsite purchasing experience. For hosted software such as Magento, Shopware, etc. the delivery of digital content – the last mile – is crucial.
What started as faster page load is quickly turning to how secure the customer feels with the website to how slow it may feel on specific actions or times, especially when a campaign has become attractive to many visitors. A study on customer experience by PwC revealed an interesting aspect – visitors care about technology when it is slow, or it breaks. This is a negative correlation – conversions drop when technology fails.
luroConnect is a new age Managed Hosting Service that tracks and optimizes the delivery of the digital experience.
Small but fun company to work with
We are a small company focused on solving a problem. Our business model is to charge a monthly fee. In that sense we are like a SaaS product.
As we grow our customer base and technology, we are fun company to work with. While we work with pressure when a customer website is down, our aim is to prevent that eventuality. On a regular basis we expect people to work 8 hours and have a work-life balance.