Author - Pradip Shah

Nginx as a load balancer for Magento


During seasonal peaks or as traffic grows, there will be a need to add multiple app servers to your Magento store. A load balancer for Magento becomes essential. We have found that using nginx as a load balancer gives acceptable performance. We have not found many instances where we would recommend a hardware load balancer. Recent tests by nginx confirms this.

We would recommend a different load balancer only for additional features such as autoscaling.

Nginx as a load balancer offers many advantages including

  • uneven upsream servers as nginx can assign weights to each load balancer
  • self healing - takes a upstream server out of a cluster if it stops responding
  • path based load balancing
  • combination of path based and weight based load balancing
  • php upstream servers
  • SSL/TLS termination

This article assumes the process of adding a new app server to a Magento cluster is well understood. Here the focus is on the nginx configuration.

Load Balancer for Magento : Basic architecture


Nginx or Apache : Best server for Magento

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    Apache server has been for years been the default http server linux hosts use. However, recently there have been many newer “lighter” http servers. This blog article focuses on Magento hosting. Magento is a php based web eCommerce framework. Nginx requires php-fpm to process php requests. So, this comparison is really apache vs nginx + php-fpm. Apache offers MPM (Multi-Processing Module) configurations pre-fork, worker and event. In this discussion we will use the “event” MPM.
    This discussion is very popular. Examples include this. We focus on Magento here.

    Key Differences between apache and nginx

    There are some differences architecturally that make nginx look slightly better for Magento hosting.

    Secure access to a Magento server

    Today the biggest threat to your Magento production server are external threats – of being hacked. While you may not be a high value target, hackers run crawlers on the internet to discover servers with weak security and attack. In this article we discuss secure access to a Magento server. An OS level attack if successful can only be fully repelled by re-imaging the server. But preventing a OS level attack is easier than you think – if you follow some simple guidelines.

    A Magento production server should have restricted access for all. Insecure, password based access should be disabled. If more than one server is used in a constellation, ssh access to the setup should be restricted to only one server.

    Will HTTP/2 help my Magento Store?


    HTTP/2 is the new http standard. Most browsers, including Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer 11, Safari, Amazon Silk and Microsoft Edge support HTTP/2. Nginx and other web servers too support HTTP/2. Magento 1.x and Magento 2 work very well with HTTP/2. In this article we see the benefit of HTTP/2 and give some configuration recommendations for Magento store owners or administrators.

    What are key differences of HTTP/2 ?

    At a high level, HTTP/2:
    • is binary, instead of textual
    • is fully multiplexed, instead of ordered and blocking
    • can therefore use one connection for parallelism
    • uses header compression to reduce overhead
    • allows servers to “push” responses proactively into client caches (more…)