
Managing caches is key to performance in Magento and Wordpress. These blog articles discuss cache management.

php opcache explained

What is php op-cache?

Php is an interpretive language. The interpreter has to read each line of php code, parse and tokenize it – i.e. convert to internal format also called opcode or operation codes. It can then interpret by “running” the opcodes. With php 8, the JIT changes it a bit.

A php project like Magento has a lot of files – so if php had to read each file everytime there is a reference to it, it will spend a lot of time reading the file from disk, parsing it and converting to opcodes. In order to speed up that process, php has opcode cache (or opcache), where the opcodes are kept in cache.

This cache is stored in memory or on disk. Using and configuring memory gives the best performance.

Opcache and JIT

JIT transforms php from a purely interpretive language to a compiling language that generates opcodes that the underlying CPU can run. Unlike pure compiling languages like “C”, php uses a Just-in-time option and generates these CPU opcodes or machine language instrutions and stores them in memory. The opcache module is responsible for this.

Opcache and php-fpm

Typically php is a single threaded application. So, each hit requires a different php process. Typically at the end of the execution, the php interpretor terminates.

php-fpm is the process manager for php. It runs keeps manages a pool of php processes and keeps track of which php process is busy. It has an ability to start and stop processes. Php-fpm communicates with a web server like nginx using the fastcgi protocol.

Php-fpm keeps a single opcache that all the processes in the pool can share.

How much memory does php opcache need?

Php opcache allocates different blocks of memory for different types of data. The amount of memory needed is dependent on the number of files in your project, the number and total size of string literals and the size of each of executable code in all your files.

JIT needs additional memory to store the machine opcodes.

Opcache configuration parameter are stored in /etc/php.d/opcache.ini (or the opcache.ini in your system).

memory (opcache.memory_consumption) : the memory where opcaches are stored
string (opcache.interned_strings_buffer) : string literals is shared in a separate block of memory
keys (opcache.max_accelerated_files) : opcache has a hash table with the filename as key. The keys are stored in this block of memory.
JIT (opcache.jit_buffer_size) : the memory where the JIT generated machine code is stored.

Each has a separate configuration value. The exact value you need depends on the number of files and the number of shared projects using this same php-fpm pool.

Is there an easy way to see how much memory is being used?

A small php program can help :

$status = opcache_get_status();
print “Memory (opcache.memory_consumption) : \n“;
print "  used_memory=" . $status['memory_usage']['used_memory'] . "\n";
print "  total_memory=" . ($status['memory_usage']['free_memory'] + $status['memory_usage']['used_memory']) . "\n";
print "  hit_ratio=" . ($status['opcache_statistics']['hits'] / ($status['opcache_statistics']['hits'] + $status['opcache_statistics']['misses']) * 100) . "\n";
print “string (opcache.interned_strings_buffer) : \n“;
print "  used_memory=" . $status['interned_strings_usage']['used_memory'] . "\n";
print "  total_memory=" . $status['interned_strings_usage']['buffer_size'] . "\n";
print "hit_ratio=" . ($status['opcache_statistics']['hits'] / ($status['opcache_statistics']['hits'] + $status['opcache_statistics']['misses']) * 100) . "\n";
print “keys (opcache.max_accelerated_files): \n”;
print "  used_memory=" . $status['opcache_statistics']['num_cached_keys'] . "\n";
print "  total_memory=" . $status['opcache_statistics']['max_cached_keys'] . "\n";
print "  hit_ratio=" . $status['opcache_statistics']['opcache_hit_rate'] . "\n";
if ($status[jit']['buffer_size']){
  print “jit (opcache.jit_buffer_size) : \n“;
  print "  used_memory=" . ($status[jit']['buffer_size'] - $status['jit][ buffer_free_memory']) . "\n";
  print "  total_memory=" . $status[jit']['buffer_size'] . "\n";
  print"jit is disabled”

Save this as a file name opcachestatus.php in a folder where php scripts can be executed from the browser. (Warning : do not ship this to production. Treat it like phpinfo.php).

If used memory in any section is more than total memory, you will get better performance by increasing the corresponding value in the opcache.ini file.

What happens when the cache memory runs out?

  • When memory is full, opcache will essentially do a restart.
  • We do not know how the jit memory behaves on being full.

Invalidating opcache

There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.
- Phil Karlton

Once an item is in cache, it can serve stale content - i.e. it needs to detect a php file has changed.  What makes cache invalidation hard, is that there is a tradeoff between serving stale content vs speed.

Opcache gives you options.

  • You can ask php-fpm to always check if a file has changed
    opcache.validate_timestamps 1;
    opcache.revalidate_freq 0;
  • You can ask php-fpm check if the file has changed atmost once every x seconds – replace x by the number of seconds you want
    opcache.validate_timestamps 1;
    opcache.revalidate_freq x
  • You can ask php-fpm to never check until you clear the cache explicitly
    opcache.validate_timestamps 0

Opcache for production

  1. We like these settings
    validate_timestamps 0
    opcache.max_wasted_percentage 50
    opcache.enable_file_override 1
    opcache.max_file_size 0
    opcache.consistency_checks 0
    opcache.preferred_memory_model ‘’
    opcache.file_update_protection 0
    opcache.huge_code_pages 1
    opcache.file_cache_only 0
    opcache.file_cache ‘’
  2. JIT : for magento production server, where the only one application is running, we like to use the following for JIT
  3. If using horizontal scaling with a load balancer, if you query opcache settings from a web application, you will get the result of the server the hit was executed from.
    This is because each php-fpm server will have its own opcache.

Opcache and luroConnect

luroConnect enables opcache across all our customer servers. On dev/staging, opcache is run with
opcache.validate_timestamps 1;
opcache.revalidate_freq 0;

Our production servers run with
opcache.validate_timestamps 0

We continuously monitor opcache memory usage. Since we use a horizontally scaling architecture, we need to make sure if any app server exceeds the memory limits, all other servers are updated as well. We start with known magento required memory limits and tune to higher if needed.

Since we turn off validate_timestamps, each code deploy results in a reload of the php.

On php 8 servers, we use JIT with

this means we tell php to compile all functions into JIT code. We do this as all servers are running a single application and that never changes until a deployment is done.

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Magento and WordPress site performance can improve with proxysql

proxysql is a small infrastructure change that can bring about a huge performance difference in large traffic Magento and Wordpress websites.

What is proxysql?

Proxysql is a high performance mysql proxy. As a proxy it sits between the application and mysql. mysql requests from the application are routed to the proxy, which in turn routes the request to mysql.

Since it sits between the application and mysql, it can intercept the query and do many things - like routing select queries to a read-only replica, or load balance between a set of write replicas (such as a galeria cluster). It also collects a lot of interesting statistics that can help optimize the application.

Unexpected performance gain from an issue with mysql threading model

But, the a huge gain is achieved by increasing performance of mysql in a high traffic environment. This is achieved due to a drawback in the mysql threading model.

Mysql follows a "one thread per connection" threading model. Moreover, a single mysql thread corresponds to a operating system thread. A high traffic php application does not share mysql connections and as a result can have a large number of threads.

Some of the drawbacks of this model :

  • Mysql consumes memory per connection used and once consumed, this memory is never given back. As a result, mysql performance can deteriorate over time.
  • A CPUs performance is very heavily dependent on hardware level caches. These are dependent on the "principle of locality". With too many threads executing simultaneously, the cache hit ratios go down, reducing CPU performance.
  • With too many threads executing in parallel, context switching overhead is high. Context switch is when the operating system decides to switch execution from one thread to another. A single CPU core can only execute on thread at a time.
  • Too many transactions executing in parallel increases resource contention in mysql. In InnoDB, this increases the time spent holding central mutexes. This results in queries running slow for no obvious reason.

Proxysql solves this problem by not opening a new connection for each client request. It reuses connection it may already have open with mysql.

Reference : MySQL Enterprise Documentation

Effect of context switching due to high number of mysql threads

The figure alongside shows the effect of context switching.

Upto 3rd May 2024, there is high CPU usage. The green bars are for CPU used by the operating system in context switching between threads. The DB server consuming almost 100% CPU and at the same time not responding to queries.

3rd May saw the introduction of proxysql. The CPU usage is now stable, with not much used by system in context switching.

Towards the leftThe green bars are CPU spent by the system in context switching between threads. Adding proxysql immediately dropped CPU usage.

The image alongside is the number of mysql threads for the same period. The correlation between the system CPU and the number of threads makes it obvious cause and effect.

Upto 3rd May, mysql has a surge in threads - caused by a spiral of slow insert or select queries adding more threads and slowing down the db. 3rd May saw the introduction of proxysql - and mysql now uses a small number of threads.

We will explore Mariadb Thread Pool shortly to see how it compares with the proxysql approach.

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Improving PDAStudio performance : Cache more

PWAStudio makes many "storeConfig" calls that - depending on the website - be made cacheable in varnish as they are unlikely to change. This will reduce cookie blocking - or reduce load on php if the authorization is used.

What is the session blocking problem?

When Magento (php) processes a request, the cookie passed is mapped to a session in Magento. Sessions are stored either in var/session or on production systems, in redis.

Magento will lock the session until the php code processes this request. At the end of the request the session is unlocked.

When the session is locked, any hit with the same cookie, is kept in wait state, waiting for the session lock to be released. If there are more than one hits, all hits wait. These are not kept in a ordered queue - instead they each check the state of the session every x seconds and the first one breaking in gets the session lock.

Session lock is important to process hits that update the session - login, cart operations, checkout operations can use sessions. But, the problem is that, not all hits need this lock, and Magento gives no way for a developer to hint that the hit being processed does not need a lock.

The problem with ajax calls - especially PWAStudio - is even more severe. To display a page, many calls for each component on the page are made. If all of these are to be processed by magento, they will all be queued and a single slow query can bring down the site performance.

A PWAStudio Example

As can be seen in the screen below, a page refresh of a PWAStudio website hosted on Magento Commerce Cloud, The arrows highlight the hits that are marked by Magento as non cacheable.

Analyzing the content returned by the getStoreConfig hit.{storeConfig{store_code+product_url_suffix+magento_wishlist_general_is_enabled+enable_multiple_wishlists+__typename}}&operationName=GetStoreConfigForCarouselEE&variables={}

It is clear that these values are unlikely to be changed and can be cached by TTL alone - with a potential ability to clear varnish with a URL / regular expression to help clear the url if an occasion arises.

Improve caching

The hits marked in Blue on the right have been analyzed by luroConnect and we can suggest to cache in varnish on TTL of 1 day. Note : Varnish cache is already hashed with the store key. This is important as some of the data is store specific.

This requires a vcl change.

Yet recommending Magento Commerce Cloud for hosting?

Think again! Analysis like this is only available from luroConnect. Moreover, we will implement the vcl changes.

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  • Server performance measured every minute with alerts for a slowdown
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Supercharge your Magento with a Varnish cluster

What is a varnish cluster?

A varnish cluster is a set of varnish nodes, each in a different geographical location, in front of the same Magento backend.

As shown a Magento hosted in the US East region can serve varnish nodes from across the world. Access to the website from each region is directed towards the nearest varnish, benefiting from lower latency and faster page loads.

If you serve customers in different regions - internationally or across the USA, your store can benefit from a varnish cluster.

Varnish and Magento performance

Magento 2 was architected to work with Varnish for improved performance. A typical webpage – category listing or product detail page - when returned from a cached varnish page (called a HIT in varnish) typically has a TTFB of a few milliseconds. An uncached page (also called a MISS in varnish) results in TTFB of a few seconds. Optimizing a MISS is very crucial, but we will not cover that in this article. We believe varnish is one portion of optimizing your website.

What is Network Latency

Latency is the time it takes for a network packet to go from your computer to the server with a request and come back with a response - assuming the response from the server was available immediately. When a page scores a HIT in varnish, the response is almost immediate from the server. Any  Time To First Byte (TTFB) recorded on the browser can be attributed to network latency.

If you market your website to many regions around the world, and you host varnish in a single location, your visitors may be faced with higher latency. When latency of access is in a few hundred milliseconds, it becomes the bottleneck and needs optimization.

The below information from gives an idea of expected latencies. To read the table use the row header as source and column header as destination. So, a ping latency from Los Angeles to Mumbai would be 267 msec.

What is the cause of latency?

Core latency is a function of distance – even light will take ~40msec to travel 13,000 km – the distance from New York to Mumbai. A network packet travels through wires at that speed, and network wires are much longer than a straight line. Moreover, a response packet has to travel all the way back.

Latency is also caused as traffic goes through network equipment. The number of switches / servers a packet has to go through depends on the network and service providers – yours as well as at the server you are connecting to.

A varnish cluster architecture

Using a GeoIP based DNS service such as AWS Route53 a users request for a domain is redirected to one of several IPs. The Magento backend is in the “default” region – where maximum traffic is expected. A varnish in the regions desired – shown US East and Europe below.

Geo-IP based DNS

A geoip based dns router such as AWS route53 can help direct traffic to the nearest varnish node based on the guessing the country the IP requesting name resolution is coming from. So users on a browser say in Australia would be directed to be served from the varnish node in Australia and one from the west states of California would be directed to the varnish there.

Since IP to region or country can never be so accurate, it should be possible for all varnish nodes to serve customers from any region. Specifically, a language or currency switcher should be available on the website.

Magento 2 supports multiple varnish nodes out of the box

An important feature in using a cache in production is its need to automatically and quickly clear contents on demand from the user and application. For example, when a product goes out of stock, the corresponding page should display the out of stock label. Magento uses a tag-based system to flush appropriate content from the cache. Magento allows setting up multiple varnish hosts and a tag-based cache clear is sent to all the hosts.

bin/magento setup:config:set --http-cache-hosts=<varnish internal ip>:6081,<varnish internal ip 2>:6081

Refer :

Challenges in a varnish cluster

A varnish cluster is more complex to manage

Ensure the varnish vcl files, front end security configuration (WAF, rate limiting, etc) is managed and kept in sync on all edge nodes.

Managing includes monitoring to ensure none of the servers go down. Now, your site can be down in a specific region for example. Typical monitoring tools such as Pingdom would not work. A purposeful monitoring solution is needed.

A varnish cluster costs for additional servers

Since these would be frontend servers, the amount of RAM and their network speed requirement would depend on what traffic they get.

Number of varnish nodes

Increasing the number of nodes in a varnish cluster does not always help in improving site speed. That is because each varnish node has a different hit ratio. A lower hit ratio leads to more users getting the latency and performance penalties combined – due to a varnish MISS. Traffic pattern and latency have to be taken into account to decide on how many nodes to use in a cluster.

Difficult to warm the cache

Given the distributed nature of the cache, warming each cache independently takes more resources on the server side as well as some changes to the way a cache warmer works.

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Magento Cloud and Fastly

It is important to discuss the Magento 2 cloud decision to use Fastly as a frontend.


Magento 2 cloud pro version architecture is given below. (Reference :

The architecture uses Fastly as a Full Page Cache. Varnish is not installed on the Instances in AWS.

Fastly is a CDN that uses varnish. With the Magento 2 Cloud integration, a custom plugin is used on Magento along with a custom vcl file that runs on Fastly.

Fastly has many “POP” locations. As per fastly documentation, there are 20 POP locations in North America,

mostly in the USA. Each has its own varnish cache. When a page is not in a POP, it fetches content from the origin. A single page may have to be rendered 20 times for each POP location in North America.

Drawbacks of this architecture from a varnish cluster perspective

  • More POPs do not lead to better experience as a higher percentage of MISS on varnish results in a worse experience for more users.
  • As POPs increase the load on Magento infrastructure increases.
  • It is not possible to use a cache warmer to warm the Fastly cache.

What next?

An ideal situation would be a layered varnish configuration - each "satellite" varnish node serving a local user, caching a subset of the "main" varnish node, reducing the penalty of a varnish MISS.

Share your thoughts here or on social media.

Deploying a Magento PWA project

Why PWA might be the future of headless eCommerce

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are designed to address the mobile revenue gap indicated below.

In most markets, online retail has a higher proportional audience reach among mobile users than desktop. However, mobile sales numbers are much lower. There can be many reasons for this, some in the realm of technology.

At one time it was thought mobile engagement was best achieved using an app. This was based on data for mobile users in general, but was possibly skewed towards gaming and social media. An app has advantages of being able to deliver notifications, use mobile features the way a typically website cannot, be installed as an icon resulting in easier access.

On the flip side, there is data suggesting mobile users were reluctant to install apps due to issues like memory limitations. Other disadvantages include a need for an OK from Apple to be on the app store, lack of easy-to-test infrastructure, the rather slow process of distributing updates – for example some users may not have auto update on.

Using service worker technology, widely supported by browsers today, the PWA (or progressive web application) will give some of the benefits of an app without the cost of consuming memory, requiring an OK from Apple and being as easy to deploy new updates as it is to update a website. PWAs are also as easy to test as a website. A PWA will install on a mobile as an icon – much like an app, service workers allow push notifications as well local storage, allowing for some offline capabilities.

From a technology perspective PWAs pose a completely different problem – the relative newness of technology means developers are limited, as are systems to reliably host & deploy. The cost of development will come down as more developers and websites adopt the technology.

Hosting related issues with PWA for Magento

From a hosting and code deployment perspective. Vue-storefront for example, replicates the entire catalog in elasticsearch and uses 2 nodejs processes to run the frontend of the store. PWA Studio is expected to be Magento (read php) native, yet the reference implementation of its Upward Specifcation Is in nodejs. Both developer and production environments pose challenges.

Developer Environment

It is no more a localhost WAMP stack that you can deploy and get a development environment for PWA setup. A single project will require setup of various components (vue-storefront, vue-storefront-api, Magento, graphql, elasticsearch, redis, rabbitmq, etc).

The developer environment will affect the learning curve of the many new developers starting with these new technologies as well as the productivity of experienced developers.

Here are some challenges

  1. Launch a development environment for a new project
  2. Setup a developer environment for an existing project
  3. An ability to change and test any component easily – for example if a js file was modified that affects the UI, what component(s) need be redeployed? Can this process be automated?

It is too early for us to start work on solutions for developers – since we do not do project work ourselves. However, we are working with our partners and we have an eye on releasing a “developer stack”. Contact us if you would be interested.

Production Environment

We recently took a PWA website live. Developed by our partner Codilar, it was a first for us. Some of the challenges faced and lessons learnt are summarized below.

  1. Setting up a production environment.
    Since there were so many components, not natively supported by Magento, many configuration files had to be manually modified.

    1. Vue-storefront (the UI end that replaces varnish in a classic Magento 2) needs to communicate to Redis for Full Page Cache and the vue-storefont-api
    2. Vue-storefront-api communicates with elasticsearch and Magento 2 backend via a rest API. Ideally vue-storefront should replicate the entire catalog through a indexing process into elasticsearch, but that is not fully operational yet.
    3. Magento 2 has its own redis cache and redis session. Magento 2 FPC is not used. Magento 2.3 uses RabbitMQ in addition to connection to its database.
      Here is our architecture for the deployment. We used Virtual machines as shown. We did not use a containerised architecture. The reasons will possibly be a different blog post.
  1. Starting nodejs processes automatically. Vue-storefront uses pm2 for process management. However, developer information and documentation is written using yarn to run the pm2 processes with log files being stored in ~/.pm2. In order for better control from a system administration perspective, we installed pm2 at the global level, generated systemd files (using pm2 startup) and modified them to suit the environment. We can now use “service vue-storefront start/stop/restart”.
  2. Monitoring all the components.
    Log files for each component are taken to a central log processing server using CNCF project fluentd.
    A key challenge is observability of failures. A Magento 2 API failure is not obvious. An error return code from vue-storefront needs to be traced to vue-storefront-api to Magento. Correlating the actual hit that caused a non-fatal Magento error is another challenge.
  3. How to deploy new code with minimum or even 0 downtime
    For Magento 2, until a database change is required (via a bin/magento setup:upgrade and/or indexing), we have a process to make a deployable package, giving an opportunity to deploy with 0-downtime. Check out our bitbucket pipeline presentation.
  4. How can one deploy a vue-storefront based PWA?
    The project we migrated ran on 2 git repos – one for Magento, the other for vue. Upon deploy we need to find the files that changed since the last release and decide if the change is in Magento, vue-storefront or vue-storefront-api and decide the build steps appropriately. Presently since the repos are different, we have 2 separate builds running on the production servers. A pipeline based deploy is our next step.

Note: We think a monorepo for both Magento and vue is essential in the long run due to possibility of versioning incompatibilities.


This is yet early work-in-progress and we hope to update our process and keep updating this article as we go.

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Magento Caches – Scaling Magento Part 2


Caches are an integral part of a strategy for performance and scaling a Magento website. Managing caches is a core function of infrastructure management. A Cache is the term used to describe a mechanism to store calculated values such as a query or HTML so a subsequent request does not need to recalculate.

While Part 1 looked at FPC specifically, in this article we review all other caches needed for a Magento store. Some of these are commonly found to be referred in best practices, but a deeper understanding will help put them in perspective of Magento.

[Tweet "Performance of a website is like that of cars. Scale is like building a highway and interchanges."]

In general, for any cache the factors to consider are

  • Effectiveness – measured in terms of impact on page speed. Caches should be highly effective.
  • Invalidation flexibility – is an inbuilt automatic mechanism available? Is the mechanism too aggressive? A High score means the mechanism is very flexible.
  • Performance of miss – if a miss were to occur what would be the performance in terms of page speed. A low score represents bad performance.
  • Cost of refill –how much would it cost to refill the cache completely to be back in its most effective state?
  • Hit ratio achievable – In a real world environment if hit ratio were to be measured periodically what can be expected. A high would be over 99% hits over a reasonable period such as a day.
  • Memory required : How much memory is needed on the server side to cache the content.
Cache Type Effectiveness Invaliation Flexibility Peformance of miss cost to refill Hit ratio achievable Memory required
Browser High High Low Moderate High N/A
CDN High Low Moderate Moderate High N/A
FPC High Low Low High Moderate High
HTML Block Cache Moderate High Moderate Moderate High Low
Mysql cache High Low Low High High Moderate

Browser cache

  • Easy to setup – at the hosting level. Static resources like css, js and images should have caching enabled.
  • There is no need for invalidation as the browser checks for each cached resource if a newer version is available.
  • The ability of browsers to find changed resources means cacheable resources should have a very long expiry – say over a year.
  • Browser’s request for detecting change has a performance impact based on number of resources.
  • A key question to be answered is how merging css and js files impact browser caching performance. If merging is enabled, each page type (home, category, product, CMS) are likely to have different css and js files. Not merging allows the browser to cache individual files and reuse them across pages. However, in HTTP/1 browsers limit the number of connections to each domain. So, the advice is to not merge css and js files if using HTTP/2 or splitting domains for skin and js if using HTTP/1.


  • CDN networks cache at edge servers closer to users – reducing round trip latency from browser to server.
  • CDN also offloads the server from serving static cacheable resources, improving network performance of the server as well as freeing up server CPU to serve dynamic content.
  • CDNs may also take the load of SSL validation however, caution is needed here as the traffic between CDN and server may be unsecure making the site vulnerable to some type of attacks.
  • CDNs are notorious for invalidations – some charge for APIs, others take a few minutes before the invalidations are effective across all edge points. When evaluating a CDN, this is a key factor that is not evaluated.
  • Having many edge locations may not be a good thing - as each edge records the first access to a resource as a miss
  • While a single miss is easily retrieved from the server or backup store, a full invalidation requires multiple GBs to be transferred to make the cache effective again
  • CDNs when full give great performance benefit on page load times
  • Modern CDNs like can also do FPC (html) caching using a distributed varnish cache architecture.


We have reviewed aspects of FPC in part 1 here.

[Tweet "FPC & Varnish is not the solution to bad Magento php code."]


  • FPC caches full HTML pages – except for variable content
  • Excellent for caching dynamic content
  • Requires very high amount of RAM on the server side
  • Depending on the quality of code, FPC invalidation or miss can have impact on resource utilization
  • Best implemented with autoscale – so servers are added automatically when cache is invalidated

HTML Block Cache

  • Also caches HTML but cached at the block level. Magento uses HTML blocks for building a page.
  • Since blocks may be shared across pages, these blocks do not have a high impact on invalidation as they will be regenerated once and used multiple times
  • Can dramatically improve performance if used consistently and correctly.
  • Needs developer help as many blocks are not cached by default. To cache a block, one needs a unique key that correctly identifies its variation. Check this technical blog info.
  • Invalidation can be either via a key or time (TTL). If using a key, developer needs to write appropriate event callbacks to detect change.
  • Examples of major speed up include home page blocks where latest products are shown. Depending on frequency of store updated, a 10 minute to 1 hour TTL on the block will result in dramatic improvement of home page speed.

We can analyze your site for free

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Do you know how your website performs and want an expert to look at it?

  • We will analyze your site using public information.
  • We will run a synthetic test from the internet.
  • We will ask you to give us a 1 day web server log file.
  • We will also try to identify what steps if any you should take to improve your sites performance goals.

mysql cache

Mysql can store result queries in memory. The amount of memory is specified in my.cnf as a combination of query_cache_limit (max memory for a single query result) and query_cache_size (max memory all cached queries).

  • mysql automatically invalidates a cached query if any table that was used in the query changes.
  • to access the cache mysql uses a lock on a table thereby reducing the effectiveness of the cache
  • Many mysql articles recommend smaller cache values due to the lock problem but it is best to test the size of the cache for your situation. It is best to monitor "low mem prunes" and "table locks wait". The first gives the number of times a query was cached by removing another and the latter gives the number of times table lock was not immediately available. Both should be as low as possible.

Our experience with mysql cache suggests when front caches are empty, they are useful. The cache has a negative effect on add to cart and checkout.

Mysql caches also have negative side effects when a large catalog is loaded. However, we recommend to keep indexing to be on schedule, disable mysql cache before indexing starts and enable when indexing ends.

There are other caches too

  • Magento has caches other than block. These should always be enabled on a production server.
  • Php opcache
    php code is read and converted to "opcodes" which are then interpreted. An opcode cache stores the opcodes reducing one step each time. Opecode cache should have sufficient RAM and keys (equal to number of php files).
    Using opcache.php the status should be checked regularly.
  • Operating system cache
    linux has an excellent file system cache - whenever additional RAM is available, linux will store opened files in RAM. This is important if for example you do not have a CDN. Files will actually be retrieved most likely from RAM rather than disk.

Full Page Cache (FPC): Scaling Magento Part 1


The most important and often ignored factor to scaling is the quality of code. Well written code will scale better. The next most important factor is perhaps caching. There are many types of caches that developers, managers and store owners need to understand. Full Page Cache (FPC) is seen by store owners as a magic solution to speed issues. Understanding the benefits and compromises of a caching mechanism is important to understand scaling.

FPC Options

Magento Enterprise 1.x and Magento Open Source & Commerve 2.x, both have a FPC module inbuilt.

There are many plugins available for Magento Community 1.x. Some hosting providers will help setup a Varnish based FPC with appropriate hole punching.

Magento 2 has two mechanisms for FPC - php based (called FPC) and varnish. Varnish is the preferred option for production due to the architecture and speed of response.

The discussion below applies to all these mechanisms as well as to Magento 1.x and Magento 2.

What is Full Page Cache (FPC)?

FPC is a cache of a full HTML page – except variable content such as a login status or items in cart or stock status of a product or sometimes even price of a product. When a hit is encountered - i.e. the page required is in the cache, FPC will return very fast compared to when there is a miss i.e. the page is not in the cache, which will require re-generating the content. FPC may store the cache in files, but more likely for maximum benefit, it will be stored in memory.

FPC affects resource utilization – memory and CPU. As with all caches, we trade memory for CPU time.

Traditional FPC stores the page in Magento cache and is a part of Magento. Varnish stores the page HTML after it has been generated and is not a part of Magento. It is a separate process.

What FPC is not!

Let us understand FPC better

  • Memory needed to store the entire site in FPC
    Let us say each page is 100KB and you have 10000 pages to cache. That would take about 1GB of RAM. The problem is when the number of pages or page size starts rising above this, the RAM requirement goes up. So, if you now had 20000 pages (result of each option in layered navigation for example), you would need 2GB or if each page was 120KB the 20000 pages would need  4GB. Pages are not just products – they are category pages as well. If layered navigation is added the pages multiply fast as each combination is unique and needs to be stored independently. If you start exceeding the RAM available, you need to decide what to do when you hit the memory limit.
  • Cache warming.
    Cache warming is the process of automatically adding pages to the cache before a real visitor hit comes to the cached page. When a cache is cleared, you may need to warm the cache to make FPC effective early. Cache warming uses a crawler to artificially visit pages of a site. A typical crawler will recursively crawl the site starting from the home page. This sounds logical but here are some things to think through

    • If possible find the most likely pages you need to be in the cache and warm the cache with only those pages. This will give the maximum benefit.
    • If you cannot fit all the pages in memory, the use of crawling to warm the caches becomes a problem – they will recycle pages out of memory at random, not based on the end user popularity of the pages.
    • When the cache is being warmed your resource requirement in terms of CPU will rise as both the crawler and real traffic are being served.
    • If possible crawl the site in parallel – the earlier the pages get cached the more likely a visitor to a page will already be in the cache (scoring a hit).

Performance degradation on FPC full invalidation

The above figure shows the bad response immediately when a FPC that had built to 1.5GB was cleared completely. The top image is from redis usage graph from munin and the one below is AWS cloudwatch latency (time to serve a page) averaged per minute. The latency came down as AWS Autoscale added more instances, costing money.

  • Invalidating the cache :
    Magento automatically invalidates FPC (internal or varnish) by tagging or hashing the content with keys that refer to the type of content. For example, it may generate a tag / hash CATEGORY_123 if the page depends on category 123. Now, when category 123 changes, Magento sends out a invalidate message that says "all pages that have tag / hash CATEGORY_123 should be invalid". Magento has a elaborate tag convention.
  • FPC and robotic crawlers (BOTS)
    Even if you do not use a crawler for warming, robotic crawlers on the internet (such as google’s indexer Googlebot) will start filling the FPC cache with pages they happen to crawl. It is our advice that a site with FPC should have robots.txt and a front end processor (nginx, WAF) restricting BOTs.
  • CPU and time needed to re-generate a page
    A FPC can fully invalidate (clear) due to a (p)html or css file changing or partially due to a data change such as a product update. A miss from FPC results in the page being regenerated. The CPU requirement for a miss is much higher than a hit. If a crawler is used to warm the cache or if traffic is high, CPU requirement can be quite high as the FPC fills up. Yet, the visitor experience is not good during this period. Using autoscale, this performance degradation can be contained to some extent as additional instances are launched to handle the high CPU requirement.
  • Discipline when using FPC – know when invalidation happens
    It is important to add discipline for code update as it has the worst effect on user experience.

    • Code update should be done at low traffic times.
    • Category changes should be carefully planned at low traffic times.
    • Magento indexing should be set to manual (M1) or on schedule (M2) with a cron running the indexer.

Our recommendation for FPC

  • Do not use a random crawler to warm the FPC cache. Use a page popularity based crawler to warm the cache if necessary.
  • Avoid using a crawler during high traffic – the crawler will compete for system resources with live traffic
  • If possible update code during low traffic times as it causes FPC to invalidate
  • If your site is horizontally scaled, pre-launch instances to your load balancer before invalidating FPC, either explicitly or indirectly, so the latency of starting an instance does not further worsen the user experience

Magento 1.x FPC Plugins

  1. Free Lesti FPC : Use this guide to install
  2. Magento connect search results for FPC

Should FPC be a part of scaling strategy?

FPC is concerned with speed. Scale is concerned with the process that helps the site add resources when needed. FPC helps in scalability by reducing the use of resources per hit to the website under certain conditions. It changes the dynamics of when and how many resources will be needed.

FPC has to be considered to be part of scaling strategy - but as one of many parts.

Read part 2 where we discuss other Magento caches.

Read the overview of our Magento scaling series here.

We can analyze your site for free

Schedule a call

Not happy with your website performance and want an expert to look at it?

  • We will analyze your site using public information.
  • We will ask you to give us a 1 day web server log file.
  • We will try to identify what steps if any you should take to improve your sites performance goals.