luroConnect Magento CI/CD adds meta information to builds

luroConnect CI/CD

luroConnect managed hosting platform includes CI/CD from any git source.

luroConnect CI/CD is an opinionated, platform specific CI/CD. It currently supports Magento (luma, Hyva, ScandiPWA themes), PWAStudio, Angular, nodejs applications. Nodejs builds include yarn and npm based installation.

Builds are done in docker with environment variables. (Note : Our Magento CI/CD also builds in docker without a database).

Builds once made, are ready to be deployed.

Advantage of opinionated CI/CD

  • Built for the target application stack with options.
  • Improved over time in a platform specific way
  • Magento CI/CD builds support features like magepack bundling, css and js minification, luma, Hyva and ScandiPWA themes.
  • Magento CI/CD support multi website and multi store builds
  • PWAStudio supports multi website and mutli store builds with different default currencies.
  • Is built using resources on your AWS account and created to deploy on your AWS account.

Meta Data information

Builds are identified with git commnit-id (shortened). Meta information includes the branch, the build number (generated from git as a serial count of commits in the branch upto this commit-id), and the git comment for this release.

luroConnect dashboard now displays meta data with the current deployed version.

When deciding which version to deploy, meta data information is displayed as well.

Build counts are useful as they are serial numbers - a larger number indicates a later commit serially. Commit comments are useful to know the PR or merge comment used so one is sure of the deployment.

luroConnect build and deploy dashboard

Magento CI/CD metadata

Would you like to switch to a modern hosting platform?

Schedule a call of a free evaluation!

With features like ~0 downtime code deploy and autoscale to reduce your hosting costs, luroConnect offers you unparalleled hosting environment for Magento.

Schedule a call and we will show you how we can

  • Improve your hosting, possibly with autoscale
  • Have a managed dev, staging and production environment
  • Server performance measured every minute with alerts for a slowdown
  • A multi point health check every day
  • Optimized hosting costs

luroConnect supports Hyva in its CI/CD pipeline

luroConnect CI/CD is an inbuilt feature of the luroConnect Managed Hosting Platform. Built from the ground up, it supports Magento and Mage-OS and dependent build options such as Magepack, baler and headless/PWA stacks such as ScanePWA, PWA Studio, vue-storefront.

luroConnect announces support for Hyva. To be configured as a build option, your Hyva website builds and deploys in ~0-downtime.

How does luroConnect CI/CD support Hyva?

luroConnect Ci/CD separates the build and deploy stages of your eCommerce store. The Hyva support is in the build. luroConnect builds in docker. Our Hyva docker build image contains the correct version of node and modules. The Hyva build, when enabled, takes 1 parameter

the magento root relative themedir where the hyva build is done.
The pipeline will then do the following, before Magento static content deploy :
npm ci
npm run build-prod) uses Hyva on Magento Open Source 2.4.5. is a premier independent Indian fashion store and has over 200 visitors on the site at any time 24x7. With such a busy website, the eCommerce manager should not be worried about code deploys giving a bad experience to visitors.

With luroConnect CI/CD offers that comfort.

Build and deploy on staging before deploying to production

luroConnect supports staging (also called pre production or UAT) and a production environment. The staging has same system component versions as production, but on a hardware that is not designed to scale. The production environment on the other hand is a multi-server 3-tier architecture possibly with autoscale.

The advantage is that code can be tested on staging before deploying to production - with confidence.

luroConnect CI/CD can deploy to staging or production.

The support for Hyva is included in both staging and production builds.

Would you like to switch to a modern hosting platform?

Schedule a call of a free evaluation!

With features like ~0 downtime code deploy and autoscale to reduce your hosting costs, luroConnect offers you unparalleled hosting environment for Magento, including a powerful written-for-Magento CI/CD

Schedule a call and we will show you how we can

  • Improve your hosting, possibly with autoscale
  • Have a managed dev, staging and production environment
  • Server performance measured every minute with alerts for a slowdown
  • A multi point health check every day
  • Optimized hosting costs