
luroConnect Image Optimization Support : Watchimage

Image Optimization is a basic requirement to have a faster website. Photo images used in websites are generated with too large a size to be served over the internet on a web page. Also browser support for different, more modern and efficient (by storage) formats vary, requiring an image optimizer to be used on a website.

Generating images in different formats may be required in websites to support different browsers. This is part of image optimization.

luroConnect WatchImage service, “watches” a set of directories where images may be generated or saved and automatically generates different formats for the same image – keeping the base file the same and renaming the extension appropriately.

For example for Magento, if one wants to generate avif and webp images, the following settings work :

luroConnect WatchImage Configuration

How does it work?

A watch is setup for the folder mentioned and when a new image is saved in any folder or subfolder, the image conversion will automatically be launched and the formats specified will be generated, with the same base name and corresponding extension.

For example If we are watching

pub/catalog/product/cache folder and an image with the name 3af406316384c53a5f29d3772fa411e5_2.jpg is saved the following images will be generated



The developer can generate the picture element with srcset for mime types image/webp and image/avif with the same base file name but with the corresponding file extensions.

Would you like to switch to a modern hosting platform?

Schedule a call of a free evaluation!

With features like Image Optimization, ~0 downtime code deploy and autoscale to reduce your hosting costs, luroConnect offers you unparalleled hosting environment for Magento.

Schedule a call and we will show you how we can

  • Improve your hosting, possibly with autoscale
  • Have a managed dev, staging and production environment
  • Server performance measured every minute with alerts for a slowdown
  • A multi point health check every day
  • Optimized hosting costs

Use of luroConnect WatchImage Service

This is best suited when the HTML code uses <picture> element with fine tuned image sizes (and mime types).

Information about <picture> element is found here.

HTML supports the picture element which allows a developer to define various image sizes and formats and specify conditions – much like css media query – for the browser to decide what is the closest match.

Briefly, using <picture> as the parent tag and <srcset> to specify conditions and alternatives.

<source srcset="catalog/product/cache/xxx_for_600_width/m/y/myimage.jpg" media="(min-width: 600px)" />
<source srcset=" catalog/product/cache/xxx_for_600_width/m/y/myimage.webp" type="image/webp" media="(min-width: 600px)" />
<img src="myimage.jpg"/>

Free as in freedom, not free beer!


The open source community has had this saying for long, though there are many, including myself, who do not understand what this difference means.

With recent changes to open source license agreements, this difference has come to the fore. For example, changes in the open source licensing of redis and mongodb has restricted how AWS and other cloud providers can conduct their business. Directly relevant to eCommerce merchants is the effect to open source Magento since Adobe’s acquisition of Magento and the path that has been followed

Magento Open Source vs Enterprise

Adobe’s business reason to have Magento is (in my opinion) to complete their offering. Adobe has seen a huge, public and successful transition from their traditional business of one-time purchase of packaged software to a subscription and even a SaaS model. With the acquisition of Magento and the Commerce Cloud licensing model, Adobe clearly thinks Magento should be packaged with hosting – hence the word Cloud in their offering and their pricing of the Enterprise license that includes cloud hosting. This transition is seen in SAP’s hybris commerce offering that includes hosting to make SAP Commerce Cloud. Unlike SAP hybris though, Magento is open source.

If you accept the Adobe Magento Commerce Cloud offering, you submit to the fixed set of features that are offered by their cloud or subscribe to a SaaS service for integration – though sometimes even that requires qualification or may not be possible.

For example, if you want PWA, you are limited and have to wait for the PWA Studio. If you want an improved search interface, you are limited to their choice. Similarly, for CDN, image optimization and Web Application Firewall, you are limited to Fastly, Adobe’s choice in the matter.

Or, perhaps, you use a plugin that is connected to a SaaS service.

When a Magento website is self-hosted though, the choice was to install a plugin or enhance the code that may require a service which has to be hosted. In the examples above, you may want to use vue-storefront or use one of many systems for search or use ImageMagick as an image optimization solution.

From Free Beer to Freedom!

The earlier licensing model of Magento pushed the decision to a “board level” – companies like ours always take the supported version. Mostly the open source version of Magento was attractive to those who were attracted by the “free beer”.

However, now the decision is that of freedom – since the paid version comes with restrictions.

If you feel guilty of being a taker of open source, you can sponsor community commits back to the open source Magento. The community participation is not negligible. Matt Asay of Adobe suggests it may be as high as 50% in this article.

(Indeed there are community participants who think Adobe is gaining from open source contributions, but that is a different blog article).

Shameless plug!

Full stack managed hosting support from luroConnect, gives you the benefit of supported opensource and the flexibility to build your own solution around it. The entire stack is based open source – from linux to Magento - including nginx, ModSecurity, redis, elasticsearch, sphinx and ofcourse mysql. (We relunctantly also allow ioncube encrypted plugins as well). Coupled with a release process from your git. Hosted on any cloud or open hosting providers – in the age of Uber you don’t need to own your data centers. Our multi-layered security approach and proactive monitoring comes standard. With additional features like a disaster recovery plan, image optimization, peep-hole maintenance and a dashboard to monitor and control key tasks such as code deployment or indexing, we bring peace-of-mind to Magento hosting. Check out our pricing and you can connect with us.

Magento Open Source vs Commerce Cloud

Magento Commerce Cloud does offer additional features. See alongside (zoom for a larger view) for a comparison taken from Some key features like WYSIWYG editor will never be released in open source.

However, not everyone needs all of the features and some of these features are available from other plugin vendors or custom development from the many certified and non-certified agencies.

Infact, even if you are a Commerce Cloud customer, you will need customizations and potentially more plugins and even 3rdparty SaaS services to have a fully working store.


Magento Open Source is now a very viable option for all stores – brands and high volume stores included. With many options to customize and integrate, you have the freedom to make your own best of breed solution and not be restricted by the Adobe environment. With Managed hosting service you can get optimized and scalable websites.

PWA in Magento – how do your images look?

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) in Magento opens a new opportunity to improve image quality on eCommerce websites. Use of good quality images has been known for a long time to be the a key factor in digital experience and hence conversions. In recent years many factors have changed that requires a relook at how images are served. These factors include :

  • Shoppers increasingly use mobile devices for eCommerce
  • The vast improvement in the ability of mobile devices to show high quality images
  • Improvement in the mobile internet connectivity speeds with 4G and above
  • Improvement in compression formats with introduction of webp
  • Advancement in responsive UI technology ranging from HTML picture tag and srcset attribute to PWAs that increase the application awareness of the ability of the mobile device

Through PWAs in particular, the app knows enough of the device to decide what pixel ratio as well as width of the image to get, thereby improving displayed image quality to the best possible.

[porto_blockquote]PWA in Magento is now live. To see a curated list of modern eCommerce sites see[/porto_blockquote]

Analyzing for image quality

I picked a magento site and analysed for image quality. The site is the beautifully made. The site looks like a standard magento website – except that on click, the page does not seem to refresh (though the address bar changes URL) – only the content does. That is nicely done.

This site is a PWA created using Deity Falcon - a headless open source library built with ReactJS, NodeJS and GraphQL.

The Category Page

When you navigate to a category listing page from the menu, the category view uses API to get details including images.

The API URL for a category looks like this (A real URL has layered navigation and other filters appended).

Such a URL returns category information as json. Let us review a snippet below :

See the “thumnail_url” (3 lines below the highlight) in the json is a standard Magento image URL from the cache. The image comes from this API for each element. The thumbnail URL is not device aware as no hint of the device was passed to the category API.

The website seems to return the same image URL (image size 600x600) for any sized device as shown below.

600x600 image is resized to 165x165 in html

600x600 image is resized to 250x250 in html


Device Pixel Ratios

Using higher Device Pixel Ratios, todays mobile phones give a very high quality image display experience to users. HTML tags have been enhanced to allow their usage. However, many eCommerce sites do not use such features.[/porto_blockquote]


The other notable hosting of this website is that it does not use a CDN. Use of CDN is every more important for PWAs.

Developing PWA for Magento?

Talk to us about how our hosting stack which includes a image generator, can improve the quality of images you display.

Here is how our stack compares with default Magento for image generation.

  Magento luroConnect
When is an image generated? Pre 2.3, synchronous with frontend

2.3, synchronous with product save

Asynchronous – queued on product save
Webp support No support Supported – needs img tag change
High resolution 2x, 3x, Retina display Possible with img tag change – but makes synchronous problem worse Possible with img tag change - asynchronously generated
Other image optimizations Not possible In the roadmap
such as progressive jpeg

During the demo we will show you how the luroConnect stack can help your website.

  • Improve the quality of images displayed on your website.
  • Block any malacious hits to the site
  • Divert admin traffic to another server
  • Show what a Disaster Recovery Plan can do
  • See site performance on a dashboard
  • Review your current server size and suggest improvements to gain performance and/or reduce costs of hosting (a $100 value)