For hosted software such as Magento, Shopware, etc. the delivery of digital content – the last mile – is crucial to the digital experience. What started out as concerns over page load times, has quickly evolved, ranging from website security to sluggish response times for specific actions. This is especially relevant when a campaign has become attractive to many visitors.
A 2018 study by PwC had this to say “Most people only make the connection between technology and customer experience when tech fails, is slow or disrupts the process”. Other previous studies too have indicated that customers expect technology to work and be fast. This is a negative correlation – conversions drop when technology fails.
Page load optimization itself is not enough. As hits increase, the website’s performance depend on many factors such as caches being well tuned. We tune caches, sometimes automatically. Caches tuned include php, mysql, Magento, varnish and FPC.
Depending on the version of Magento used and the frequency of product updates, image generation may be sluggish. Our asynchronous image generation will ensure optimized images are placed where Magento expects them.
Click here to read our blog articles on cache management.