Reduce your cloud bill by upto 30%

Cloud costs more than anticipated

While cloud gives flexibility and scaling, cloud costs continue to put pressure on RoI (Return on Investment) calculations for eCommerce stores. Merchants migrating from physical hardware find the cloud costs especially high.

luroConnect recognizes that and offers to reduce cloud hosting bills by upto 30%, offering various strategies to do so.

luroConnect is cloud agnostic

luroConnect deploys on any cloud or physical hardware – as long as the platform is open, allowing RHEL compatible linux to be installed. This allows leveraging the best cost deal you can get from a cloud provider.

This allows our customers to select the best hosting or cloud service they prefer due to reasons like geography, discounts or commitment to a cloud provider.

Here are typical server size and cost for 3 major cloud services.

Provider –> Alibaba AWS GCP
Suggested use Server type Cost ($/month) Server type Cost ($/month) Server type Cost ($/month)
DB server ecs.g6.large (2×8) 47 m5.large (2×8) 74 n1-standard-2 (2×7.5) 60
App server ecs.c6.large (2×4) 39 c5.large (2×4) 62 2×4 custom 45

(Sample pricing as per respective portals)

luroConnect uses open source rather than cloud supported equivalents

All components required to host Magento open source and commerce, are open source. That includes nginx, apache, php, mysql, Redis, rabbit-mq and varnish. While cloud providers offer managed service around a open source or a open source compatible proprietary implementation, there is no need to use them.

luroConnect provides services on open source. Moreover, luroConnect is a “done-for-you” service – updates, configuration changes, etc are done by luroConnect keeping in mind performance and security of the website.

Example AWS pricing difference between RDS and luroConnect managed Percona mysql

Instance Disk size Provisioned IOPS Cost
db.m5.large (2×8) 100GB 1500 347
m5.large (2×8) 100GB 1500 189

(Mumbai Region as per AWS simple monthly calculator)

luroConnect keeps up with technology to help reduce costs

luroConnect has the capability of building from open source – not just use what is available. This gives us the ability to keep up with technology, especially when it comes to more performant and / or cost saving to our customers.

A prime example of cost saving is use of AWS ARM (a1.large) processors for our nginx & varnish instances – the luroConnect/Edge. a1.large is 40% cheaper than c5.large with the same number of cores and memory.

AWS pricing for different instance types

Instance Processor Cost
a1.large (2×4) AWS Graviton 38
c5.large (2×4) Intel 62
m5a.large (2×8) AMD 41

(Mumbai Region as per AWS simple monthly calculator)

As AWS releases Graviton2 ARM processors which are benchmarked by AWS to be upto 25% faster and yet 25% cheaper, luroConnect will release “luroConnect/Edge” and other components on the new AWS M6G, C6G and R6G instances.

luroConnect manages the infrastructure at the application level

Managing infrastructure is not your headache anymore – with luroConnect, your application is fully managed with proactive monitoring and 24×7 service. Features like our cloud control panel that allows you to run Magento indexing, deploy code and perform other activities that required to login to the production server, reduce your cost of running operations.


luroConnect’s investment in software and technology works for its merchant customers, improving RoI of their online business.

If you are interested in reducing your cloud costs like the one below, signup for a free consultation.

Many times, when your hosting service reports that you are running out of CPU or memory, they suggest you take a higher hosting plan. This results in designing for peak requirement. A large AWS instance 5x and above can almost always be tuned down with a scalable architecture. luroConnect’s inherent scalable architecture allows such cost reductions even without autoscale. For larger instances it makes sense to use autoscale.

luroConnect also believes in tuning caches – a key component to help reduce hosting costs. With our advanced tracking and healing, we continuously tune caches for optimal performance and hosting costs.