
Content Security Policy in Magento : inline scripts and nonce

Introduction to Content Security Policy Content Security Policy (CSP) is a HTTP header that promises to enhance security and prevent cartjack type of attacks or atleast make them difficult. A popular attack vector is for malicious javascript code to be added to your webpage to skim credit card or other user data as a visitor [...]

php opcache explained

What is php op-cache? Php is an interpretive language. The interpreter has to read each line of php code, parse and tokenize it – i.e. convert to internal format also called opcode or operation codes. It can then interpret by “running” the opcodes. With php 8, the JIT changes it a bit. A php project [...]

Magento and WordPress site performance can improve with proxysql

proxysql is a small infrastructure change that can bring about a huge performance difference in large traffic Magento and Wordpress websites. What is proxysql? Proxysql is a high performance mysql proxy. As a proxy it sits between the application and mysql. mysql requests from the application are routed to the proxy, which in turn routes the [...]

luroConnect Image Optimization Support : Watchimage

Image Optimization is a basic requirement to have a faster website. Photo images used in websites are generated with too large a size to be served over the internet on a web page. Also browser support for different, more modern and efficient (by storage) formats vary, requiring an image optimizer to be used on a [...]

luroConnect Magento CI/CD adds meta information to builds

luroConnect CI/CD luroConnect managed hosting platform includes CI/CD from any git source. luroConnect CI/CD is an opinionated, platform specific CI/CD. It currently supports Magento (luma, Hyva, ScandiPWA themes), PWAStudio, Angular, nodejs applications. Nodejs builds include yarn and npm based installation. Builds are done in docker with environment variables. (Note : Our Magento CI/CD also builds [...]

Improving Headless load times – Server Side Rendering Update

PWA / Headless with Magento. PWA and Headless started with a lot of hype and promises. Many websites have benefited from successful implementations that proves many promises were fulfilled. However, one of the biggest drawbacks of a headless / PWA implementation of a Magento website is the page load times - especially as reported by [...]

Using AWS Autoscale “warm pools” to reduce costs

AWS Autoscale added a new feature “Warm Pool”.  Let us explore this feature and see how luroConnect uses this to reduce hosting costs. The autoscale latency problem Usually, AWS Autoscale will launch a new server with the given AMI image based on the launch configuration or launch template configured. Launching a new server takes about [...]

Do you know what size server you want for your eCommerce site?

Leaving the toughest question unanswered When signing up for your Magento hosting, the first question you see asked, before you place an order, is what size server you want. It has become so ubiquitous, that everyone just expects to answer it looking at the cost. But this is much like Mathematics books leaving tough problems [...]

luroConnect supports Hyva in its CI/CD pipeline

luroConnect CI/CD is an inbuilt feature of the luroConnect Managed Hosting Platform. Built from the ground up, it supports Magento and Mage-OS and dependent build options such as Magepack, baler and headless/PWA stacks such as ScanePWA, PWA Studio, vue-storefront. luroConnect announces support for Hyva. To be configured as a build option, your Hyva website builds and [...]

Improving PDAStudio performance : Cache more

PWAStudio makes many "storeConfig" calls that - depending on the website - be made cacheable in varnish as they are unlikely to change. This will reduce cookie blocking - or reduce load on php if the authorization is used. What is the session blocking problem? When Magento (php) processes a request, the cookie passed is [...]